Our history begins in 1958, when my grandfather Gregory Thomas was providing solutions to the entire rural area of Evia, by manufacturing, repairing and maintaining agricultural machinery. His contribution to the local agricultural society was to upgrade the quality of work with machines that are still used to date.
My education as a Mechanical Engineer and my experience in the industry since 2010, as an assembly technician, maintenance technician, installer and designer in applications in several factories around the world, gave me the experience and the expertise to revive the family business in 2014.
The continuous training and our visits to the biggest exhibitions in Italy, Germany and Greece, gave us the opportunity to broaden our horizons with new quality machines. Through our retail store that we maintain next to our workshop, we provide specialized solutions and spare parts from major manufacturers.
Our values
We trust new technologies by investing in new products
We believe in zerowaste, so we repair your old machines
Our motivation is man, our culture is nature!!!!
Yours sincerely,
Anastasios Chatziathanasiou